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2015-4-4 09:03| view publisher: amanda| views: 2454| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 What Do You See In ..《Jazz Cafe 2》128 02 Picture Of My Life《Pictures Of My..》10 03 Real Face Of Truth《Pictures Of My..》5 04 You Are The Sunshine..《Pictures Of My..》18 05 Let's Stay Toge ...
01 What Do You See In ..《Jazz Cafe 2》128
02 Picture Of My Life《Pictures Of My..》10
03 Real Face Of Truth《Pictures Of My..》5
04 You Are The Sunshine..《Pictures Of My..》18
05 Let's Stay Together《Pictures Of My..》8
06 Please Don't Leave Th..《Pictures Of My..》7
07 Wouldn't It Be Lovely《Pictures Of My..》88
08 Make It With You《Pictures Of My..》14
09 New York State Of Mind《Pictures Of My..》13
10 Where Or When《Pictures Of My..》4
11 Perfect Day《Pictures Of My..》6
12 Rainy Night In Georgia《Pictures Of My..》9

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